Raymond has his red truck.


We picked up our new (13-year-old) truck today, and it’s happily parked in front of our house in Outremont. The plan is to take it to Queensborough the next time we go, and it will primarily be used there. A great way to transport to the dump the horrid 1970s “wood” panelling that can’t come off the kitchen walls soon enough.

Raymond seems quite taken with his truck, and continues to cackle when friends ask when he’ll be getting the requisite gun rack. Me, I think the right accessory for a truck is a dog. A beagle named Kip.

One other bonus of our truck: it has a cassette player. Gracious, a chance (because, yes, there are still cassette tapes hanging about our place) to enjoy that primitive, fragile and clunky technology all over again!

8 thoughts on “Raymond has his red truck.

  1. Reminds me of the time I ran around Calgary in a pick-up painted black primer with all the mirrors ripped out and a bumper sticker that read “my wife, yes, my dog maybe my gun never”. Folk cleared the road for me and I came pretty near to near to going home with a fella who wore a hand knit jacket with an oil derricks motif i met a chris spedding john cale concert. Hmmm. maybe you’ll let me borrow that truck sometime.

  2. An ‘airbag-type dog tragedy’? Brilliant. Has such a thing been known to happen? Probably only in Bewdley.

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