What a great day for Queensborough!

Wagon ride

Bruce and Barb Gordon (and horses Don and Barney) made the day for many with wagon rides around the village. Photo by Dave deLang

Friends, I won’t write much this evening because it’s been a long, if wonderful, day, and I’m more than a little tired – but I cannot let Historic Queensborough Day come to an end without saying thank you.

Thank you to all of you who came from near and far to visit our little hamlet, meet old friends and make new ones, and soak in the beauty and history of this place.

Anne at the ceremony

Anne Barry spoke so well about the great work the Queensborough Beautification Committee has done. Also in the photo: longtime resident Jim Gordon, and Anne’s very active grandsons!

Thank you to the members of the Queensborough Beautification Committee and the Queensborough Community Centre Committee, who have worked so hard to make Queensborough look as good as it does these days.

Lining up for hamburgers

The lineup for hamburgers and hot dogs was long, but people were very patient – and were rewarded with great eats. Photo by Dave deLang

And thank you so much to all the volunteers who flipped burgers, staffed the history displays, answered questions, baked and served treats, and just generally served as ambassadors for our village.


Two beautiful local gardens, those of Sylvia and Brian MacNeil and Ann Lee and Brian Stanbra, drew tons of visitors. Photo by Dave deLang

The crowds were amazing. The weather was perfect. A great time was had by all.

Raymond and I are so proud and happy to live in this wonderful place, and to have such amazing friends and neighbours all around. And I suspect I speak for everyone in Queensborough when I say that we are thrilled that so many people came to visit and enjoy themselves here today.

Happy Historic Queensborough Day, everyone!

14 thoughts on “What a great day for Queensborough!

  1. Indeed, the FIRST Queensborough Historic Day was a great success! I was impressed by the turnout. I’m sure next year’s event will be even more successful as today’s attendees will bring along other friends and relatives. Hmmm, how about adding a “concert in the park”?

  2. What a wonderful day.
    CONGRATULATIONS to the workers who spent so much time preparing for the event and carrying it off. My wife (Bev) and I were thrilled to be included for the day.
    HATS OFF to everyoneI

  3. I was there and saw you go by on the buggy! The display was wonderful to look at, the burger was delicious, and I’m eating fudge from Betty Sexsmith right now. Thank you to everyone who made it possible. What a lovely way to spend an afternoon!

  4. Hi, Katherine. Wow! The event looks like it was hugely successful, and all of the hard work by the volunteers was appreciated by so many people. I wish I could have attended, but I had another obligation for the weekend (it’s always the same story — I have two social engagements per year, and they’re both on the same date.) But, thanks to the kind folks at CHTV, here are two videos to show the event, including the tour from the wagon, in Part A:

    • I’m sorry you couldn’t join us, Sash, but – maybe next year! Thanks for posting the links to the videos by Terry Pigden of CHTV. We were so pleased that Terry and his wife, Eileen, could be there to record the event for posterity!

    • Thanks, Karen! It really was a grand day all round. I went to bed last night very tired but very, very happy with how well everything went and how much people seemed to enjoy themselves. And all the volunteers worked so hard and did amazing work!

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