Some old-fashioned excitement comes to Queensborough

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Okay, Queensborough may be quaint, but this is not a sight you would normally expect to see. What’s the story? (Photo from a video by Marykay York-Pronk)

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: in Queensborough, you just never know what interesting thing is going to happen next. Why, if it’s not a deer coming for a visit, it’s a procession of cows through the village. And now here’s the latest thing: a parade of very old cars. And I managed to miss it!

There I was, ensconced in Toronto for the weekend for a couple of long-awaited big-city special events, when I happened to check my Facebook feed yesterday afternoon. Perhaps you can imagine my surprise when I came upon a brief video from our friend Marykay that showed a very familiar scene – Queensborough Road west of our hamlet – and a very unfamiliar sight on that scene: a whole bunch of Model A and Model T cars! Heading for Queensborough!

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More of the vintage cars on the road to Queensborough. Amazing! (Photo from a video by Marykay York-Pronk)

I couldn’t help asking Marykay, in my comment on her post, whether she might have temporarily stepped back in time. I sometimes think that Queensborough has a bit of a Brigadoon-like quality to it; every now and then you almost do feel like you’ve been magically transported to another era. I am pretty sure Marykay knows the feeling I’m talking about, because it seemed to give her a laugh. Anyway, she responded that the cars had been spotting driving around Queensborough before they all showed up on the road west of town, and she said that even though her video shows about half a dozen of them, there were more than that in total.

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This bright-red model is one I particularly wish I’d been around to see. (Photo from a video by Marykay York-Pronk)

Gracious! I didn’t know there were that many operational Model As and Model Ts in the vicinity. And to think they should all show up in Queensborough!

Then again, given the aformentioned Brigadoon-ness of our little village, maybe that’s exactly where one would have expected them to show up.

Anyway, I’m hoping one or more readers might know more about this most interesting visit to Queensborough. Who were those people in the cool old cars, and what made them come see us? And more to the point: when are they coming back? I don’t want to miss it next time!

4 thoughts on “Some old-fashioned excitement comes to Queensborough

  1. Katherine,
    They were on their way over to a friends house. I will forward your email to him, so he can fill you in. (And perhaps send you more pictures. I forgot my camera, but I know he has some.)

  2. Jos and I and my very small grandchildren were thrilled to see these wonderful old cars out on the road being old car buffs ourselves. We saw them coming through the village intersection. Then as we headed out ourselves to take our little ones on an outing we met many. I couldn’t grab my phone fast enough thank goodness I wasn’t driving. There were so many but unfortunately I didn’t get them all on video. But Emerson & Laughlin saw them and was so amazed at the site. Leave it to a two & three year old to find them unique. Yes please tell us why we had such wonderful visitors. And let us know next time when they are coming we will welcome them in style.

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